Friday, October 23, 2020

Chris Pratt won't submit to groupthink and attend a fundraiser for corrupt Biden and the anti-white racists are mad!

Watch "The Avengers STAND With Chris Pratt Against Mob - Brie Larson Fans Continue To ATTACK" on YouTube

Joe Biden Is Lying His Ass Off About The Laptop, Foreign Bribery, Money Laundering, Pedophilia, Illegal Drugs Scandal

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Watch "Blizzard Employee Anti-White Male Rants Surface & She Laughs About It" on YouTube

Watch "Blizzard Employee Anti-White Male Rants Surface & She Laughs About It" on YouTube

More Anti-White Racism from Hollywood: Antebellum

Horrible aduncan7126921 September 2020 Absolutely NOT a horror movie or thriller. Sad attempt to keep people living in the past and thinking that white people just want to keep black people slaves. We will never move forward until people leave the past in the past. After reading most of the "great movie" reviews, it's apparent that people like myself who did not believe this to be a good movie is "siding with hate" and basically racist. Absolutely ridiculous. 99% of white people would agree that racism is/was wrong. There will always be some who still think the way they did back then but they are a lot fewer than Hollywood and the news would have you believe. Bottom line, this movie fuels racism and gets people riled up all over again about things that happened back then.

Generous rating tkilltt25 September 2020 Watched the film tonight and was very let down. The cinematography was perfect but failed to deliver with the story. Its a very "now" message highlighting the fact that racism is alive and strong. If you watch for the horror aspect you'll be extremely unimpressed. Its disheartening to see so many films with potential succumb to the woke culture. My 4 star rating was purely for cinematography and the score. I cant stress how perfect the opening 20 minutes are and how beautiful the final song aligns with the struggle the heroin faces. The acting was over the top and unbelievable. The story failed itself in too many ways to count, but the one way that mattered more than anything is that it hammers the same logic any woke film does. White is bad, black is power and the patriarchy is evil. If you don't mind hearing that message in every movie you watch, THIS is the film for you. For those of us that seek originality and good story telling, we'll probably give nothing more than 5 stars.

imdb reviews

Quote Originally Posted by KYAnglo View Post
African slave labor here in the American South proved profitable early on, particularly for British merchants and yankee shippers. As you noted, all 13 colonies had negro slaves at and after Independence, and yankee ship owners continued to dominate and profit from the slave trade until its prohibition in 1808. Some continued to illegally smuggle African slaves to the States after that year.
To me, the institution was a very unfortunate inheritance from British colonial days that took root and became an America-wide problem. The Northern states were able to end slavery and sell them South because it became increasingly unprofitable in the North.
They still had no problem shipping them and selling them here in the South.
American victory in the Revolution would have been an ideal time to end slavery in all the States, free of British imperial control. Some Founders like Jefferson and Franklin wanted to do just. Jefferson originally listed African slavery as one of the indictments against the Crown in our Declaration of Independence, but it was excised from fear of alienating Deep South States like South Carolina.
It was no doubt profitable, at least in the beginning, to import laborers to areas with opportunity. Slavery was the most practical form for this. Because the only negotiation was done, when purchasing the slave. The Americas had fertile lands that could produce agricultural commodities in abundance that would fetch a high price in Europe at the time. Examples of this are of course Cotton, sugar, tobacco, perhaps some spices. Those crops are labour-intensive in their cultivation and different from Europe labour to do that kind of work wasn't available in those regions. Bear in mind that serfdom was still common in Europe of that time as well, while the signs already where there for phasing this economic model out.

It was the Western Nations that decided to phase out Slavery completely. It is however arguable whether a slave was economically worse off than an unskilled day labourer at the time. The master had a vested interest in the long term well-being of the slave, while an employer on day basis only had vested interest in the work of the labourer that day.

Jews were involved in slavery and the Slave Trade.

Of course that aspect will be above critique, in the public dealings with the issue.

Slavery debase labour and gainful employment in the mind of members of society:
So long as all labor continues to be performed exclusively or usually by slaves, the baseness of all productive effort is too constantly and deterrently present in the mind of men to allow the instinct of workmanship seriously to take effect in the direction of industrial usefulness; but when the quasi-peaceable stage (with slavery and status) passes into the peaceable stage of industry (with wage labor and cash payment) the instinct comes more effectively into play. It then begins aggressively to shape men's views of what is meritorious, and asserts itself at least as an auxiliary canon of self-complacency. All extraneous considerations apart, those persons (adult) are but a vanishing minority today who harbor no inclination to the accomplishment of some end, or who are not impelled of their own motion to shape some object or fact or relation for human use. The propensity may in large measure be overborne by the more immediately constraining incentive to a reputable leisure and an avoidance of indecorous usefulness, and it may therefore work itself out in make-believe only; as for instance in "social duties," and in quasi-artistic or quasi-scholarly accomplishments, in the care and decoration of the house, in sewing-circle activity or dress reform, in proficiency at dress, cards, yachting, golf, and various sports. But the fact that it may under stress of circumstances eventuate in inanities no more disproves the presence of the instinct than the reality of the brooding instinct is disproved by inducing a hen to sit on a nestful of china eggs.

This latter-day uneasy reaching-out for some form of purposeful activity that shall at the same time not be indecorously productive of either individual or collective gain marks a difference of attitude between the modern leisure class and that of the quasi-peaceable stage. At the earlier stage, as was said above, the all-dominating institution of slavery and status acted resistlessly to discountenance exertion directed to other than naively predatory ends. It was still possible to find some habitual employment for the inclination to action in the way of forcible aggression or repression directed against hostile groups or against the subject classes within the group; and this served to relieve the pressure and draw off the energy of the leisure class without a resort to actually useful, or even ostensibly useful employments. The practice of hunting also served the same purpose in some degree. When the community developed into a peaceful industrial organization, and when fuller occupation of the land had reduced the opportunities for the hunt to an inconsiderable residue, the pressure of energy seeking purposeful employment was left to find an outlet in some other direction.
Thorstein Veblen: Theory of the Leisure Class
Thread: "Antebellum" Movie: Yet Another Piece of Vile Anti-Southern, Anti-White Propaganda

This year’s big winner was 12 Years a Slave, a film depicting slavery in the antebellum south. It portrays Blacks as helpless victims being psychologically and physically abused relentlessly by their vicious, whip-cracking White slave masters. In reality, most Blacks were treated very well by the White Christian southern slave owners, and many were worse off after slavery was abolished. They had already been enslaved in Africa by rival tribes and ended up with an exponentially better life here in America than they could have ever even dreamt of in Africa. The practice of slavery is in no way exclusive to the White race. Every race has done it at one time or another. Some are still practicing it to this day, including the Jews in Israel and the Blacks in Africa.