Saturday, August 31, 2019

Tucker Vs. Fredo, Who Is Worse?

Tucker Carlson was universally attacked in the mainstream media for calling out the White Supremacy hoax. Tucker is now on "vacation," while many speculate that he actually was suspended by Fox News for two weeks, after his candid segment. The Fox News channel turned their back on Tucker and caved to pressure by the outrage mobs. In contrast, Fredo Cuomo was defended by his news network, CNN and other news anchors, after he had threatened a guy with physical violence, in a tirade of slurs because he didn't get his name right. What is worse? Calling out the exaggeration of the threat of White Supremacy and how it's being used by the media to sow discord or to threaten someone with physical violence? CNN and Fox News both obviously thinks that Tucker is the bad guy. In addition, CNN's Don Lemon is being sued for shoving his hand in a bartender's face, after he had rubbed his genitalia with said hand. He had allegedly asked the terrified bartender “do you like pu**y or d**k?” We end the segment on the ICE facility that was shot at in San Antonio, Texas. This comes in the wake of both politicians and media calling ICE facilities “concentration camps.” Now we have a second attack on a facility in a short period of time. The media's language is having real life consequences and they are radicalizing individuals that are whipped up into a frenzy over issues that are greatly exaggerated.

Tucker Vs. Fredo, Who Is Worse?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ep109 - Environmentalism is “White Supremacy” & Anti-White Movie Midsommar Is “Silent White Supremacy”

If you missed the most recent Weekend Warrior show, check it out now at Ep109 - Environmentalism is “White Supremacy” & Anti-White Movie Midsommar Is “Silent White Supremacy”

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

LEFTIST TEACHES YOGA TO REMOVE "WHITENESS". - Two New Programs to Cure Your Toxic Whiteness (THE SAAD TRUTH_919)

LEFTIST TEACHES YOGA TO REMOVE "WHITENESS". - Two New Programs to Cure Your Toxic Whiteness (THE SAAD TRUTH_919)

Sharp Angus
Imagine being so racist that you redefine the word 'racism' to allow your hatred to pass as not racist, and then being so brazen with your hatred to have your racism fall into your new definition.

Woke Activist calls for Whiteness to undo itself to make way for POC - STUDIO-214

Hey Team, every once in awhile, the frequency ever increasing, we come across a woke activist who openly calls for racism to end, while at the same time being breathtakingly racist in the execution of their aim This latest iteration comes from a vile racist cloaked in the garb of a Harvard university lecturer on tour pedaling her disgusting ideas of racial bigotry. He big plan is for white people to spend all of their talent and time to undo the whiteness of the art world She of course is insanely crazy and obsessed with race. Her contention makes no sense unless you are bewitched with the same enchantment. This woman sees everything through race..her race and her perceived racial in-equality can only end by white people going away and allowing her and other artists like her to take the stage. She at one time complains bitterly about how the white man has kept black and brown people down, while at the same time arguing that white people must lead the way to undoing is crazy manifested as wisdom, and this horrible vile woman should be ashamed of herself..she is literally setting race relations back decades If you don’t take her race into account you are a racist..however if you do take her race into account you are castigating her into a box and being can’t win with this the only thing to do is fight their ideas..which are quite easy to do This is that attempt What do you think? Does the race of the artist have anything to do with the art piece itself..if you like a piece of art..and then find out the artist is a woman or man, or white or brown..does that change your opinion of the piece If it might be a racist

Woke Activist calls for Whiteness to undo itself to make way for POC - STUDIO-214

Marvel Hires Anti-White Political Activist For Ms. Marvel Disney+ Show

Marvel Hires Anti-White Political Activist For Ms. Marvel Disney+ Show

Antifa Harass Family Farm At Public Market - Sarah Dye

Antifa Harass Family Farm At Public Market - Sarah Dye

Monday, August 26, 2019

NYPD Hate Crimes Unit Investigating Random Attacks on White People | News 4 Now

Jay Trock
It is the sign of the times. No lady it has been this way forever. Remember the knock out game? It really was called the white whale game. The media didn't like that because it sounded racist. 

Lead Belly 
Maybe a sign of the times in the NYC shit hole skreets! But all colored people and white people get along here in the south! Glad I left there many years ago!



Tucker Carlson is RIGHT: The Media is LYING About White Supremacy!!!

NYPD Hate Crimes Unit Investigating Random Attacks on White People | News 4 Now

How We Fight Fight White Supremacy - A Field Guide to Black Resistance DEBUNKED

"White supremacy defines our reality. It is not merely a belief that to be White is to be better. It is a political, cultural, and economic system premised on the subjugation of people who are not White. That subjugation takes an infinite number of forms and is enforced with varying degrees of physical violence, mental abuse, and robbery." - How We Fight Fight White Supremacy - A Field Guide to Black Resistance


Tucker Carlson is RIGHT: The Media is LYING About White Supremacy!!!

Colin Flaherty black on white crime info

Almost all interracial crime involves blacks harming whites, and federal ... On Halloween, three white girls approached a haunted maze in the backyard of a ...
Jan 16, 2010 - Optimists think that violent crime can be solved through better policing, .... If our murderers and rapists had been white and their victims black, ...
Feb 18, 2014 - White Privilege is a provocative term used by the US mainstream media ... This utter exaggeration of White crimes compared to Black crimes is ...
Dec 6, 1999 - Unless you live in the local area where these crimes occurred, you ... Former Black NFL Player Charged in Ritual Murder of White Man.
Trump is Right, NFL Players Should Quit Kneeling - More Whites Than Blacks Are Shot by Police and Adjusting for Population is a Moot Point When Considering Crime Statistics Showing Black Crime and Violence is Astronomically Out of Proportion - Police Violence against Black Men Is Rare And the media narrative to the contrary is damaging - Steve Mnuchin: Trump sees anthem protests as disrespecting the military, veterans and fallen heroes:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Insouciant white people have no awareness of the extent of their demonization


Key Issues and Information Appearing in the Alternative Media. The Truth about 911, Corruption, War, the Economy - Real News and Analysis in Opposition to Mainstream Propaganda.

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Insouciant White People have no Awareness of the Extent of their Demonization - Paul Craig Roberts

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing.” — Noel Ignatiev as quoted in Diversity Chronicle

“The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters—ALL OF THEM—are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.” — Reza Aslan on Twitter

Some responses to my two recent columns on genocide prove my point. I am told that it is impermissible to protest the demonization of white people, not because it is untrue but because white people deserve to be demonized. The violent language against white people and calls for their eradication are said to be justified. This is a logical position for those who believe that liberation requires the extermination of white people.

One reader dismissed the demonization of white people, quoting “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Jews would disagree. Words expressed against them in the 1930s did them a lot of hurt in the 1940s.

In my columns I am arguing against division and orchestrated hatred. My position is unacceptable to the growing ranks of Identity Politics extremists. They want division. Identity Politics is so entrenched that there are people who think that a person who does not support the demonization of white people is himself a white supremacist. We have arrived at Orwellian plus.

The intimidation that inhibits the defense of “indefensible whites” is also illustrated by the neglect of my genocide columns by some of the alt-news websites that normally reproduce my columns. A defense of white people or protest of their demonization is branded “racist white supremacy,” and the websites are guilty by association. Free speech is being shut down, and discussion of some issues is now impossible.

The 1619 Project, the plan of the New York Times’ executive editor to “reframe,” that is, to falsify American history, aims at undermining the confidence of white Americans. It is a project of cultural genocide. It is difficult to see a future for people who are both demonized and intimidated. Hate is a powerful force, and much hate is being expressed against white people and institutionalized in the educational system.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, August 25th, 2019.]

SpookyOne at 00:45

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NY imess chief outlines coverage shift: From Trump-Russia to Trump racism

NY imess chief outlines coverage shift: From Trump-Russia to Trump racism: Dean Baquet said recently that, the paper has to shift the focus of its coverage from the Trump-Russia affair to the president's alleged racism

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Spencer Platt

Is white genocide possible?


Key Issues and Information Appearing in the Alternative Media. The Truth about 911, Corruption, War, the Economy - Real News and Analysis in Opposition to Mainstream Propaganda.

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Is White Genocide Possible? - Paul Craig Roberts

Readers agree that the demonization of white people is unfair and divisive. Many report that they have experienced reverse discrimination, and they expect discrimination against whites, such as the announced anti-white policy of the New York public school system, to worsen as the media’s demonization of white people escalates. A few readers noted that both the Jewish and Armenian genocides are disputed. They asked if there are any historical episodes of genocides. A few others noted that even when white Americans become a minority, it will be a large and numerous minority and, thus, too numerous for a genocide. 

I will address these issues after I walk readers, who never got past my rhetorical title, “Is White Genocide In Our Future,” through my column that provoked their questions. 

The liberal/progressive/left, media, and Democratic Party have used the El Paso shootings of Hispanic immigrants to brand President Trump and all who voted for him “racist white supremacists.” In other words one instance has been used to write off half of the white American population. My point is that an enormous edifice of hatred has been built on one instance. Suddenly, all mass shooters are racist white supremacists inspired by President Trump despite the Mass Shooting Tracker that shows that mass shooters in 2019 are 51% black, 29% white, and 11% Latino and that few identify as supremacists of any hue. Hah, you say, you haven’t heard about black and latino mass shooters, only white ones. 

If white people are actually supreme and think of themselves in this way, how can university professors call for the eradication of white people and not be denounced for advocating genocide? What do you think would happen to a professor who called for the eradication of blacks, Jews, Hispanics, or homosexuals? It would be hate speech, a hate crime. But calls for eradication of white people are not regarded as extreme. Such calls are not denounced as hate speech and a hate crime. So who is supreme? 

Try to imagine the consequences for NBC Universal if its movie, “The Hunt,” about white Trump supporters being hunted and killed for sport was about hunting blacks or Jews, or immigrants, or transgendered for sport. It would be the end of NBC Universal and the producer of the movie. 

The point of my article is that the presstitutes and the Democrats are creating another hoax to take the place of the failed Russiagate hoax. The hatred that was directed at Trump and Russians is now directed at Trump and white people. The hatred is so powerful that it has cast aside integrity, facts, caution, evidence, and reason. In a country already fatally divided by Identity Politics, ALL of Trump’s supporters are declared “white nationalist terror supporters . . . and this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.” 

If this racist outburst on Twitter by TV host and University of California professor Reza Aslan was against blacks or Jews, he would have been fired and banned from Twitter. But as white people are the target of Aslan’s racism, it is OK for him to be racist. In America today, it is not only permissible but also desirable to spew racial hatred against white people. 

Don’t fool yourself. The hatred against white people is real. People claiming to be South African and American blacks sent me emails stating that after all the genocides white people have committed, it was time for white people to experience one of their own. 

The New York Times has begun the “1619 Project,” which it intends to take into the school system, that intentionally or unintentionally will pave the road to genocide by demonizing not only white people but all of their accomplishments. 

On August 12 Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, met with the Times’ employees to refocus the Times’ attack on Trump. Mueller let the paper down. The Times’ spent two years “to cover one story, and we did it truly well,” Baquet declared, but it turned out to be a hoax. The Times, Baquet said, is shifting from Trump-Russia to Trump’s racism. The Times will spend the run-up to the 2020 presidential election building the Trump-is-a-racist narrative. 

Of course, if Trump is a racist it means that the people who elected him are also racists. Indeed, in Baquet’s view, Americans have always been racist. To establish this narative, the New York Times has launched the “1619 Project,” the purpose of which is “to reframe the country’s history.” 

According to the Washington Examiner, “The basic thrust of the 1619 Project is that everything in American history is explained by slavery and race. The message is woven throughout the first publication of the project, an entire edition of the Times magazine. It begins with an overview of race in America — ‘Our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true.’” 

The premise that America originated as a racist slave state is to be woven into all sections of the Times — news, business, sports, travel, the entire newspaper. The project intends to take the “reframing” of the United States into the schools where white Americans are to be taught that they are racist descendants of slave holders. A participant in this brainwashing of whites, which will make whites guilty and defenseless, says “this project takes wing when young people are able to read this and understand the way that slavery has shaped their country’s history.” In other words, the New York Times intends to make slavery the ONLY explanation of America. 

At the meeting of the executive editor of the New York Times with the Times’ employees to refocus the Times’ attack on President Trump, Baquet said: “Race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the American story.” 

A Times employee taped the meeting and leaked it. You can read about it here:

The campaign against white people is already underway in the New York School system. The assault on whiteness is now part of official educational policy. In New York City the head of the education department, Richard Carranza, a son of Mexican immigrants, is conducting a campaign against “toxic white supremacy culture.” His training program for teachers identifies objectivity, individualism, belief in meritocracy, and Protestant work ethic as manifestations of white supremacy that have to be rooted out of the education system. Carranza says these white values constitute a deep-rooted bigotry. Carranza dismisses whites, who object to his portrayal of their values as racial biases, as “defensive of white supremacy culture.” To get rid of whiteness, Carranza has fired numerous white education department officials. 

Carranza was appointed by the white mayor of New York City. Carranza is still in office with full support from the New York Times and the Democratic Party despite his openly racist policy. What more proof do you need that racism against white people is the official policy of the Democratic Party and the media? How do we understand this? As a psychiatric problem or the consequence of years of falsifying history and teaching lies to people who have been trained not to think? 

Does anyone understand the audacity of Carranza’s policy? A third world immigrant openly declares to the white core population of the US that he is using the public school system and their tax dollars to eradicate their culture. Where is the outrage? Are white Americans too intimidated and guilt-ridden to protest? 

Genocide is generally associated with physical elimination. But it can also happen by cultural elimination. What is occurring in the New York school system is also occurring in Cambridge University. The British newspaper, The Telegraph, reports that the university has assigned Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) political commissars to white professors and administrators in order to prevent words, concepts, and explanations that institutionalize the “structural racism” of whiteness. That senior scholars at a prestigeous university would accept this kind of thought and speech control indicates a complete loss of confidence in their civilization and their scholarship. To all appearances, Cambridge scholars have agreed to hand over the explanation of Western civilization to blacks, Asians, and minority ethnics. 

Classical music itself is under attack as racist. 

White Americans have no sense of cohesion or unity. They operate against one another. They are not permitted to have white organizations. Blacks can have black organizations. Jews can have Jewish organizations. Women can have organizations, but there is no National Association for the Advancement of White People, no Anti-defamation League for whites, and no White Lobby. 

For two decades or longer white people have been undergoing economic genocide. First their manufacturing jobs were offshored to Asia. Then their IT and engineering jobs were given to Indians and Chinese brought in on work visas. The white corporations and their white lobbyists lie to Congress telling the lawmakers that there is an IT and engineering shortage. The lawmakers know it is a lie but understand they must pretend to believe it or forfeit campaign contributions. More white Americans are relegated to the underclass as their careers are given to foreigners on work visas working for one-third less pay. When these dispossessed Americans tried to fight back by electing Trump, who claimed he would bring the jobs home, they were demonized as racist white supremacists. It is difficult not to conclude that white Americans are already history. The President of the United States cannot even enforce the country’s immigration laws without being demonized as a racist white supremacist. 

The United States is still a country where the core population remains white, but white people unless they are anti-white do not control the explanations. A small handful controls the explanations, and the explanations are unfavorable for white Americans. This brings us back to readers’ questions: Do genocides occur in history? 

Cultural genocide is already underway in the New York school system, Cambridge University, and the New York Times’ 1619 Project. Many people, including Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Orlov, have commented on Western civilization’s loss of confidence. 

As for physical genocides, if we can believe historians, the Romans exterminated the Carthaginians, a powerful military people. In the 6th century Justinian the Great in his reconquest of much of the Western Roman Empire exterminated the Vandals in North Africa and the Goths in Italy, both known for their ability to defeat Roman armies and occupy the territory of Rome. The Soviet communist government exterminated the Cossacks, a warrior class. Mao’s government exterminated Chinese landowners and other “undesirable elements.” The Spanish had their way with the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas, powerful warrior rulers who vastly outnumbered the Spanish colonialists. Lincoln’s Union army exterminated the American Plains Indians. This was the army that allegedly fought to free black slaves. In Africa we have the Rwanda genocide. In South Africa black extremists are calling for the eradication of white South Africans. Israel committed genocide against Palestinians by stealing the land and driving the Palestinians into refugee camps abroad and walled off ghettos. 

There have been plenty of genocides. 

When the New York Times reinvents American history, will the Times report the facts that the first slaves in the British colonies were white and that there are more white descendants of slaves in the US today than black descendants of slaves? You can bet your life that the Times will not. It doesn’t fit the agenda. 

Why do elite American whites demonize their white fellow citizens? Do they stupidly think that they are exempt from the demonization? Little doubt they are this stupid. If they were to read Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints they would awaken from their delusions. 

There is no doubt that today white Americans are intimidated. If a white person stands up for him or herself, it is regarded as proof that they are a white supremacist. A white person is expected to grovel and admit guilt and beg forgiveness or mercy. Seldom do they receive it. I know that white people are intimidated, because some of my friends tell me to shut up. You can’t speak these truths. You will get yourself and your friends in trouble. They seem to think that the way to escape the threat is not to acknowledge it. 

So here we have the true picture of the American “white supremacist”: (1) people so afraid that they are pissing in their pants, or (2) insouciant people in total denial that they are under deadly attack and have nowhere to run. 

So, the answer to the question is yes, white genocide is possible. Indeed, the preparations are already underway. Depending on where they live, white Americans mainly see white people, and what I have written will seem a fantasy to them, just as Lenin and the Bolsheviks seemed a fantasy to the Russian liberals who overthrew the Tsar. The facts, however, are unfavorable to a demonized white population that is a small percentage of the world’s population. Already in America a person can prove his or her moral superiority by demonizing white people. 

When the white population has to turn against itself to survive, death is already upon them

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, August 24th, 2019.]

SpookyOne at 00:30

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Friday, August 23, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Beto: “Our Country Was Founded On Racism – And Is Still Racist Today”

Beto: “Our Country Was Founded On Racism – And Is Still Racist Today”
Presidential primary candidate Beto O’Rourke has an unusual message for Democrat voters. America was founded on racism and America is still a racist country today, 243 years later
Hot Air

Friday, August 16, 2019

AOC: Trump Supporters Not Educated Enough to Recognize Their Own Racism - Presidential Candidate Cory Booker Proposes Office to Fight White Supremacy

AOC: Trump Supporters Not Educated Enough to Recognize Their Own RacismThis week on Crooked Media’s “Pod Save America,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist.

LOLPresidential Candidate Cory Booker Proposes Office to Fight White SupremacySenator Cory Booker on Thursday said he would create a White House office to combat white supremacy and hate crimes if elected, becoming the latest Democratic presidential candidate to call for action after a racially motivated massacre in Texas.Yahoo

School Superintendent Says White People Must Rewire Their Brains to Stop Being Racist

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The TRUTH About the El Paso Shooting - LIBERALS BLAME TRUMP, FOX NEWS FOLLOWING WEEKEND SHOOTINGS - YESTERDAY WAS ALL TRUMP'S FAULT? - 73 people shot in Chicago this weekend so far. Where is the outrage for those citizens? False Flag?


Left placing blame on political opposition to prepare for civil war

More false flag evidence detailed in THIS REPORT.


Robert David Steele, New Zealand False Flag to Disarm America or even start World War III - FALSE FLAG? Why The World Has Questions About Christchurch:

Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis

If I argued for destroying the right to privacy because a few people misuse private chat features to sell drugs or whatever, you'd think I was nuts, right? And gun control won't do anything anyways. The UK has plenty of it and they now need metal detectors in schools and are melting down as a society.

Editor's Note: Metal detectors is a great idea, as is armed guards and trained civilians, and as Styx points out, better mental health treatment, teachers, and parents, would be just grand as well.

Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis


5 Points To Counter The NRA DEBUNKED - Penn & Teller Helps Gun Control Supporters Understand The 2nd Amendment:

Debunking Gun Control Advocate Statistical Analysis - DAVID HOGG: The Unfiltered, Unpopular Truth! | Louder With Crowder: