Friday, August 31, 2018

German Mom Realizes Multiculturalism Does Not Work "Only 2 of 25 Kids Speak German" (REACTION) - Multiethnic Societies Can Flourish, but Multicultural Societies Will Collapse

German Mom Realizes Multiculturalism Does Not Work "Only 2 of 25 Kids Speak German" (REACTION)

Multiculturalism is a stupid thing to force, it only creates conflict, always has and always will. if you manipulate it and force it you will cause massive culture shocks which I'm sure the left will capitalize on as it is their only platform in which they exist. can you imagine the number of domestic resources the left will demand from the tax-payers to educate people who are even illiterate in their own language? this is a socioeconomic disaster, but when did the left or government teachers unions ever care about the resources they extract from the hands that feed them? they only want to build more government extraction of resources which should be coined as "extractionism" or milking until the teet runs dry. not only is it going to be the education system but the justice system is going to be swamped, the social services, the medical system, and all other government programs and what will be their solution "more government" or "more socialism", then they will ultimately collapse into chaos and it will be hyper-chaos different then other socialist collapses as there is a major cultural conflict and ideological differences and then the socialist government will blame others besides themselves and pander to whatever group they are afraid of the most. this will end up as all socialist countries with a mass culling and might even be worse than what you've seen before. the socialist Teresa May has already offered her support of the South African socialist dictatorship by even offering billions in her own government's tax money already trying to prop up another socialist regime and supporting the racial stripping of the industry and investing in failure. so now, they will be supporting two socialist governments that will rapidly decline into double hyperinfaltion as South Africa had already created a second currency that also hyperinflated in the span of three months, and the same will happen in the E.U. and all of the countries who accept and continue to take economic migrants.

Apple Genesis
The worst part of this is people like that dude talking about "she probably hasn't experienced other cultures". That's what's wrong with forced multiculturalism. Some cultures just don't mix. This why we have nations with borders. If you want to experience other cultures, that should be YOUR choice and not be mandated by governing officials. Nobody should feel like an outsider in their home country.

White Devil
Yea nobody is going over to Syria and telling them they need to take in more Christians because it's a chance to experience other religions and cultures.

chris cheap
when i was a kid i learned english right away out of respect to americans i am from puerto rico and i supose that makes me american .i dont speak spanish around american eglish speaking people because i have alot of respect for this country and people that dont speak spanish i dont uderstand how people live here for 20 years and dont speak any eglish i think thats a shame and i refuse to speak to them in spanish they get mad but i always say you have been hear half of youre life and you cant speak eglish they have no answer its trully a shame

America that's my name don't wear it out 4 hours ago Most of the time they can speak English but they pretend they don't because they are more comfortable speaking Spanish I'm Puerto Rican too and that pisses me off like nothing else I absolutely refuse to speak Spanish to these people and I treat them as if they are stupid a little mean I know but that usually brings the English out of them usually in curse words lol my dad does the same thing to these people he loves this country he has served and he hates when Spanish speaking people disrespects this country and her citizens

kman 4443
You are correct, and I am a policeman in DC and I come across quite a few Hispanics who cannot or won't speak English. I often while on duty run into this, and have to find a translator to respond to talk with them. This presents a danger to them because if they are having a medical emergency, crime victim, etc. Now I have to wait precious minutes to find out how to question them to determine what they need because I have to wait often 30 minutes or more for a Spanish speaking officer to come out to where I am.

German Mom Realizes Multiculturalism Does Not Work "Only 2 of 25 Kids Speak German" (REACTION) - Multiethnic Societies Can Flourish, but Multicultural Societies Will Collapse

Florida Gov. Candidate Desantis "Monkey This Up" Comments Are Much Ado About Nothing - Will Johnson Banned From Facebook For Saying Monkey

Darth Celsius 
The people calling this racist are the racist by insinuating that monkey is associated with being black

Dark Circles
The true racists make up these stupid word rules because they see race before they see the person. The people who are not racist just speak without thinking about race. We need to not follow the word police.

V Cat
I agree with you. BUT...that’s what can happen when you are SO NOT don’t equate some terms...with racism. But you’re right in that the traps are pre-set for Republicans and they have to be AHEAD of the “game”! Sad, really.

Carrington Oliver
Another fake controversy pushed by @CNN

Claudia Kintigh
It's so stupid that we cant just talk anymore!! What the heck!!! No, Lucas, I disagree, I refuse to bow to the PC police!!! Ridiculous!!

America is #1
Ron DeSantis said nothing wrong, only a racist would think that when someone says monkey they think of a black person. DeSantis better win this is some straight up bullshit and lies.


Everyone should know by now that if you mention "monkey" in any other context than in a racist term, it'll be twisted into being something racist by the left, REGARDLESS.

What next? You have to change the name for a "Monkey wrench"? Because you know, that if someone asks for a "Monkey wrench" and a lefty is near-by and hears you say that, the lefty with scream "RACIST"!


Because this is exactly how they'll twist it; "It's a racist term for black slavery by calling a black person to do the work..." TRUST ME!

If we start self censoring and give in to this BULLSHIT, nothing will be allowed to be said in fear of things being twisted into a "racist term". Which is another form of controlling speech.

So no... Know the term, know the context. It's as simple as that. Because there's no way I'm going to be branded a f&%king racist for calling a monkey wrench, a f&%king MONKEY WRENCH!


They always have to go right to racism...they have nothing of substance to bring to debate or discussion

Mr. Nunuisance
I swear no more monkey business

Florida Gov. Candidate Desantis "Monkey This Up" Comments Are Much Ado About Nothing


STFU Up Tom Arnold! Roseanne Isn't Racist, Your Buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger Is. Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked and There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism:

'So Racist Exploitation Is Really Bad Except...'

'So Racist Exploitation Is Really Bad Except...'


Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land


Trump Slams South Africa Land Seizures

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS - The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid - The Fall of South Africa

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS


“Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder.”

It is my hope that this petition will get the attention of President Elect Donald J. Trump and that he will take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States. All U.S intelligence agencies have confirmed that the refugees we are currently admitting from Somalia and the Middle East cannot be properly vetted; therefore, we are putting the Nation at risk by admitting them. However, South Africans can easily be vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and discusses: the communist history of South Africa, the South African Frontier Wars, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Bantu, population growth, racial demographics, catastrophic economic decisions, the devaluation of the S.A. Rand, rampant price inflation, affirmative action, family structure, one of the worst education systems in the world, unemployment, Eskom’s rolling power outages, white flight, rising criminality, an astronomical murder rate, horrific rape statistics, the rampant sexual abuse of children, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, white farmer genocide, police corruption, President Jacob Zuma, the “kill the Boer” song, life expectancy, road fatalities and the untold history of Apartheid. 


The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake, or a multitude of other sundry events, Julius Malema, aka the Hitler of South Africa, was busy telling white people in his country that he’s not going wage genocide against them. Yet.

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.”

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.
No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, June 18th, 2018.]

No, the South African Government Has Not Actually Stopped Its Plans to Steal Farmers' Land

No, the South African Government Has Not Actually Stopped Its Plans to Steal Farmers' Land


Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land


Trump Slams South Africa Land Seizures

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS - The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid - The Fall of South Africa

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS


“Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder.”

It is my hope that this petition will get the attention of President Elect Donald J. Trump and that he will take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States. All U.S intelligence agencies have confirmed that the refugees we are currently admitting from Somalia and the Middle East cannot be properly vetted; therefore, we are putting the Nation at risk by admitting them. However, South Africans can easily be vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and discusses: the communist history of South Africa, the South African Frontier Wars, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Bantu, population growth, racial demographics, catastrophic economic decisions, the devaluation of the S.A. Rand, rampant price inflation, affirmative action, family structure, one of the worst education systems in the world, unemployment, Eskom’s rolling power outages, white flight, rising criminality, an astronomical murder rate, horrific rape statistics, the rampant sexual abuse of children, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, white farmer genocide, police corruption, President Jacob Zuma, the “kill the Boer” song, life expectancy, road fatalities and the untold history of Apartheid. 


The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake, or a multitude of other sundry events, Julius Malema, aka the Hitler of South Africa, was busy telling white people in his country that he’s not going wage genocide against them. Yet.

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.”

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.
No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, June 18th, 2018.]

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Huffington Post Releases Horrendously Bigoted Story About "White People Food"

I'd love it if they told their readers that they're secretly indicating that black people eat unhealthy things habitually:

Huffington Post Releases Horrendously Bigoted Story About "White People Food"

No, the South African Government Has Not Actually Stopped Its Plans to Steal Farmers' Land

No, the South African Government Has Not Actually Stopped Its Plans to Steal Farmers' Land


Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land


Trump Slams South Africa Land Seizures

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS - The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid - The Fall of South Africa

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS


“Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder.”

It is my hope that this petition will get the attention of President Elect Donald J. Trump and that he will take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States. All U.S intelligence agencies have confirmed that the refugees we are currently admitting from Somalia and the Middle East cannot be properly vetted; therefore, we are putting the Nation at risk by admitting them. However, South Africans can easily be vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and discusses: the communist history of South Africa, the South African Frontier Wars, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Bantu, population growth, racial demographics, catastrophic economic decisions, the devaluation of the S.A. Rand, rampant price inflation, affirmative action, family structure, one of the worst education systems in the world, unemployment, Eskom’s rolling power outages, white flight, rising criminality, an astronomical murder rate, horrific rape statistics, the rampant sexual abuse of children, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, white farmer genocide, police corruption, President Jacob Zuma, the “kill the Boer” song, life expectancy, road fatalities and the untold history of Apartheid. 


The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake, or a multitude of other sundry events, Julius Malema, aka the Hitler of South Africa, was busy telling white people in his country that he’s not going wage genocide against them. Yet.

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.”

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.
No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, June 18th, 2018.]

Tuesday, August 28, 2018




Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land


Trump Slams South Africa Land Seizures

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS - The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid - The Fall of South Africa

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS


“Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder.”

It is my hope that this petition will get the attention of President Elect Donald J. Trump and that he will take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States. All U.S intelligence agencies have confirmed that the refugees we are currently admitting from Somalia and the Middle East cannot be properly vetted; therefore, we are putting the Nation at risk by admitting them. However, South Africans can easily be vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and discusses: the communist history of South Africa, the South African Frontier Wars, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Bantu, population growth, racial demographics, catastrophic economic decisions, the devaluation of the S.A. Rand, rampant price inflation, affirmative action, family structure, one of the worst education systems in the world, unemployment, Eskom’s rolling power outages, white flight, rising criminality, an astronomical murder rate, horrific rape statistics, the rampant sexual abuse of children, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, white farmer genocide, police corruption, President Jacob Zuma, the “kill the Boer” song, life expectancy, road fatalities and the untold history of Apartheid. 


The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake, or a multitude of other sundry events, Julius Malema, aka the Hitler of South Africa, was busy telling white people in his country that he’s not going wage genocide against them. Yet.

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.”

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.
No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, June 18th, 2018.]

Academic Institutions Have Been Infiltrated | Our Universities are Marxist

Academic Institutions Have Been Infiltrated | Our Universities are Marxist


Academic Institutions Have Been Infiltrated | Our Universities are Marxist
The Left's Mission is to Brutally Enforce Their Radical Ideology - Student Advocates Banning Hurtful Speech, Gets Schooled - Heather Mac Donald: How Much More Delusional Can University Students Get? - Senate Democrats Draft Bill To Censor The Internet:

Monday, August 27, 2018

Jim Goad - The War on Whites Reaches New Heights

Jim Goad - The War on Whites Reaches New Heights

Most of the World is In Denial Regarding South Africa Stealing Land on the Basis of Race

Most of the World is In Denial Regarding South Africa Stealing Land on the Basis of Race


Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land


Trump Slams South Africa Land Seizures

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS - The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid - The Fall of South Africa

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS


“Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder.”

It is my hope that this petition will get the attention of President Elect Donald J. Trump and that he will take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States. All U.S intelligence agencies have confirmed that the refugees we are currently admitting from Somalia and the Middle East cannot be properly vetted; therefore, we are putting the Nation at risk by admitting them. However, South Africans can easily be vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and discusses: the communist history of South Africa, the South African Frontier Wars, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Bantu, population growth, racial demographics, catastrophic economic decisions, the devaluation of the S.A. Rand, rampant price inflation, affirmative action, family structure, one of the worst education systems in the world, unemployment, Eskom’s rolling power outages, white flight, rising criminality, an astronomical murder rate, horrific rape statistics, the rampant sexual abuse of children, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, white farmer genocide, police corruption, President Jacob Zuma, the “kill the Boer” song, life expectancy, road fatalities and the untold history of Apartheid. 


The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake, or a multitude of other sundry events, Julius Malema, aka the Hitler of South Africa, was busy telling white people in his country that he’s not going wage genocide against them. Yet.

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.”

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.
No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, June 18th, 2018.]

‘Does Australia Have White Privilege?’ | Stefan Molyneux Interviews Australians

‘Does Australia Have White Privilege?’ | Stefan Molyneux Interviews Australians


Debunking White Privilege: The Economic Reality: 

Debunking White Privilege (Political Reality):

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

Donald Trump's South Africa White Farmers Tweet Examined and Explained in Detail

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land

The Media is WRONG | South Africa - Vox Claims that Only Nazis Don't Want to See South Africa Steal Farmers' Land


Trump Slams South Africa Land Seizures

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS - The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid - The Fall of South Africa

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS


“Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder.”

It is my hope that this petition will get the attention of President Elect Donald J. Trump and that he will take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States. All U.S intelligence agencies have confirmed that the refugees we are currently admitting from Somalia and the Middle East cannot be properly vetted; therefore, we are putting the Nation at risk by admitting them. However, South Africans can easily be vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and discusses: the communist history of South Africa, the South African Frontier Wars, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Bantu, population growth, racial demographics, catastrophic economic decisions, the devaluation of the S.A. Rand, rampant price inflation, affirmative action, family structure, one of the worst education systems in the world, unemployment, Eskom’s rolling power outages, white flight, rising criminality, an astronomical murder rate, horrific rape statistics, the rampant sexual abuse of children, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, white farmer genocide, police corruption, President Jacob Zuma, the “kill the Boer” song, life expectancy, road fatalities and the untold history of Apartheid. 


The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake, or a multitude of other sundry events, Julius Malema, aka the Hitler of South Africa, was busy telling white people in his country that he’s not going wage genocide against them. Yet.

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.”

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.
No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, June 18th, 2018.]