Saturday, November 23, 2019

People's behavior is what matters, not their skin color

@egavactip: Just retweeting to scare white supremacists.

In a rising number of U.S. counties, Hispanic and black Americans are the majority

@JM_Talboo: I don't think the color of people's skin is what is scaring anyone.

Internet Calls NFL Player “Smollett” For Claiming Racial Slur Caused Fight

Internet Calls NFL Player “Smollett” For Claiming Racial Slur Caused Fight

From Twitter user @whennndee

republican white girls going into the medical field scare me

From Twitter user @4evr_eve

Cishet white guys will always scare me more than any other type of person 

And I'm scared of everyone-

Why it's popular to slam white people

Left tactic against racism: attack people on basis of race. 

Art is a racist weapon against whites, glorifying their murder, praised and on the walls of museums

Graphic murderous kill whitey artwork is AOK in modern art galleries.

Remember the “Red Scare?” This is the “White Scare.”

Remember the “Red Scare?” This is the “White Scare.”

Shut up and die white man!


The culture & the media tells men to "talk about their feelings."

But when when middle aged white working class men (amongst whom suicide rates are soaring) try to do so, they are dismissed, scorned and told to shut up.

"OK Boomer!"


Thanksgiving isn't racist

Thanksgiving isn't racist. Change @scrowder's mind.

Coming Wednesday, November 27th. Mark your calendars. #ChangeMyMind #LwC #MugClub

Friday, November 8, 2019

New Black And Blue Film EXPOSES Critics As Racists! Confirmed!

Best comment at You Tube:

Surgeon Of Death
Critics: Oh we just genuinely dislike the movie but when you guys do it it's because of racism and sexism reeeeeeee


Terminator Dark Fate DIVERSITY DIDN'T HELP (SC Reviews)

Terminator: Dark Fate KILLED The Franchise! Massive Loss (TheQuartering)

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, November 9th, 2019.]

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Is the FBI implying it's not ok to be white?


FBI, police investigating 'It's OK to be white,' 'Islam is right about women' flyers posted on college campus
Connecticut university president promises 'severest disciplinary actions' for 'attack on our university community'
Photo by Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Flyers declaring "It's OK to be white" and "Islam is right about women" were found Thursday night on the campus of Western Connecticut State University, the Hartford Courant reported — and now the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as state and local police are on the case in an effort to identify who distributed them.

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'Hate-filled flyers'
University President John Clark penned a strongly worded message on Friday to the campus community condemning the "hate-filled flyers" and asking people to come forward with information.

Clark said the "full-scale investigation" includes a "review of footage from our surveillance cameras as well as interviews with individuals who may have witnessed any of this despicable and utterly unacceptable behavior."

He added, "Have no doubt that we are treating this as an attack on our university community and making every effort to see that those responsible are caught and properly punished. I am fully committed to the absolutely necessary goal this does not happen again. We must be ever vigilant to protect our university against these hateful attacks."

More from Clark's message:

There is a distinct possibility this is the work of outside agitators. If correct, we will take the appropriate action to defend our university against such virulent attacks and take action against these individual(s). I want to state directly and without equivocation that if any member of our university community is found to be party to these revolting actions they will be subject to the severest disciplinary actions, including dismissal as well as possible civil and criminal actions.

I am both shocked and immensely saddened about this sick and outrageous behavior, especially since our university has worked so hard to be a warm, diverse and caring community for all, no matter their race, color, gender, sexual orientation/identification, disability and age. All members of our community should feel comfortable, safe and secure at the university. Indeed, we all should feel that WCSU is our second home.

Again, please rest assured that we are taking every measure possible and working with our law enforcement agencies to find and prosecute these sick individuals and defend our university.
Other incidents at other schools
Inside Higher Ed noted an uptick in the number of "It's OK to be white" flyers found on college campuses around the country, adding that they've typically been posted by off-campus individuals and organizations.

More from the outlet:

Last weekend leaflets with the "OK to be white" message turned up in Vermont, at the University of Vermont and Champlain College.

Since then the posters have appeared at American River College, Duke University, North Carolina State University, Tufts University, the University of Delaware, the University of Denver and the University of St. Thomas, in Minnesota.

The trend is not confined to the United States. One Canadian institution, the University of Manitoba, also had the posters turn up. In Australia, the use of the phrase by some politicians has set off a major political debate (and appearance of the posters), but in that case, the focus is not in higher education.

Also last week, white nationalist posters turned up at California State University at San Marcos.
Here's a report on "It's OK to be white" flyers found at Eastern Tennessee State University last week:

(H/T: The College Fix)


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At least 12 people are dead, including one police officer, and as many as 11 more people were injured when a mass murder suspect opened fire on clubgoers in Thousand Oaks, California. The shooting was first reported at 11:19 p.m. local time. The incident occurred at The Borderline Bar and Grill — wh

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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hulu Film Pilgrim Is Anti-White Propaganda

Hulu Film Pilgrim Is Anti-White Propaganda

Ron Comfort

I watched it. All the actors were very talented. But I get a little sick and tired of Hollywood constantly attacking American culture and Christianity.


In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil - The Truth About The Native American Genocide - Native Americans Played a Significant Role in the Founding of the United States as We Know It - Trump Trolls Liberals And Obama, Proclaims Monday As Columbus Day AGAIN!:

Anti-white hatred must be stopped

Michael Savage breaks down how the attacks against Trump are based on racism

Michael Savage breaks down how the attacks against Trump are based on racism

White Positivity vs Starbucks-type Anti-White Discrimination (Fri 11/01/19)

Fri 11/1/19, Hour 4 of JLP’s stream, The Hake Report: IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE fallout 2019. James also touches on the stupid Starbucks anti-white discrimination after two blacks were arrested at a location in Philly April 2018. Catch James’s episodes from those times.

White Positivity vs Starbucks-type Anti-White Discrimination (Fri 11/01/19)

It's not ok to point out WHO is saying it's NOT ok to be white. - BANNED SONG - "It's Okay to be White" by Ghosty Boy (SJW Friendly Re-Mix!)

It's not ok to point out WHO is saying it's NOT ok to be white. - BANNED SONG - "It's Okay to be White" by Ghosty Boy (SJW Friendly Re-Mix!)

Mother Station 
it's not ok to point out WHO is saying it's NOT ok to be white.

Antiwhite Slurs and White-Noir - Deny Antiwhite Slurs and Look Pathetic - ‘It’s OK to be white’ banner hanging over Massachusetts Turnpike sparks outrage

‘It’s OK to be white’ banner hanging over Massachusetts Turnpike sparks outrage

An outraged man traveling on the Mass. Pike stopped his car Friday morning to rip down a sign hanging from a highway overpass in Newton that read “It’s OK to be white.”
Thousands of commuters on the busy highway got a glimpse of the large white banner that featured bold black lettering, prompting a response from the Anti-Defamation League of New England.
“It’s pretty disappointing to see people in Massachusetts using a platform like that to disseminate a message that excludes people and targets people,” said Robert Trestan, Executive Director of the ADL’s Boston office.

Sean Roche, who was driving with his daughter, got out of his car and tore the sign down before police arrived at the scene.

Read more at WHDH News

The Drinker Reviews Watchmen - Episode 1 AKA Law and Order: Social Justice Unit

The Drinker Reviews Watchmen - Episode 1 AKA Law and Order: Social Justice Unit

Saturday, November 2, 2019


So, it’s not ok?

A sign reading “It’s OK To Be White” sparked outrage after motorists spotted it over a busy freeway in Massachusetts.
The sign appeared Friday on the busy Massachusetts Turnpike, and was ripped down after one enraged man claimed it was “disseminating a message that excludes people and targets people.”
“It’s a statement that being white is under attack right now and it’s just not true,” the man who ripped the sign down told local media. “Being white is such an advantage in this society. To suggest otherwise is just straight-up racism.”

Image credit:
The Anti-Defamation League of New England also condemned the sign, claiming it promoted bigotry.
“It’s pretty disappointing to see people in Massachusetts using a platform like that to disseminate a message that excludes people and targets people,” an ADL rep stated.
The “It’s Okay to be White” phrase first began in 2017 as a mass trolling campaign on the message board 4chan, but has since been deemed a “hate slogan” on the ADL’s website.
Infowars reported last month that trolls on 4chan were planning on re-launching the campaign on October 31st.
Check out Infowars’ It’s Okay To Be Human T-Shirt and our new It’s OK to be OK hat.

By the way, our Everything Must Go Emergency Sale is now live! Get 50% off DNA Force Plus at the Infowars Store now!