Friday, May 31, 2019

White women can now go to dinners so that they can be shamed for racism


White women around the country are invited to join private dinners where they can “bear witness” to the pain of “Black and Brown” women.
Race To Dinner is aimed at white women and was co-founded by Saira Rao after her 2018 congressional run, according to the website.
The group’s website points out that the company’s goal isn’t to make white women comfortable. Its aim is to be seen and heard by white women, whose only job is to sit during the dinner and “bear witness” to their pain, which they say white women have caused.
These dinners aren’t for people who want to feel good, learn or be an ally, and it is not for white women or about white women, the website states. White women already know everything about white supremacy, because “you and your dudes wrote the book,” the Facebook page notes. The website says that it isn’t personal, it’s just how things are.
Even if you don’t think that you are racist, you are, according to Race To Dinner. Denouncing Trump, the KKK and Nazis does not exempt you from racism, this group says. Rather, “as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy.” Everyone is a part of the system, the website says, but “Black and Brown” people are “on the receiving end of white supremacy” while white women “are on the giving end.”

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