Friday, October 4, 2019

Teacher makes anti-white remarks

Teacher shares photo of Confederate flag in classroom, says it's 'white trash.' Punishment quickly comes.
Parents weren't thrilled
Photo credit should read ERIK PEREL/AFP/Getty Images
A Georgia high school teacher is under fire after making controversial and negative remarks about the Confederate flag.

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The incident took place at Hephzibah High School in Hephzibah, Georgia, earlier this week.

What are the details?
According to WRDW-TV, the unnamed teacher projected a photo of a Confederate flag on a school whiteboard on Monday. The caption described the flag as "a sticker you put on the back of your pickup truck to announce that you intend to marry your sister."

"Think of it like a white trash 'Save the Date' card," the caption added.

School officials have placed the teacher on paid administrative leave following the outcry.

Parent Melissa Fuller — whose daughter was once reportedly suspended for wearing a Confederate flag belt buckle — said that the teacher's sentiments about the flag were "unethical." Fuller said that her daughter found the post offensive, and the student took a photo of it to send to her mother.

"A lot of it is that it's not morally correct," she said. "It's just something you don't want to discuss today in today's world and especially inside of a classroom."

Fuller added, "Why was that used? And with it being such a rough area, why would you put that out there to start a class discussion that could have turned very ugly?"

What did the district say?
A spokesperson for the Richmond County School System released a statement admitting that such language in the photo was not suitable for schools.

"The language used in the example was unacceptable and has no place in our classrooms," the statement said, and insisted that the district is "committed to creating a diverse, equitable learning environment for all students."


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